Hittade en kul blogg idag...

... från en mamma med väldigt svart humor, eventuellt kan hon vara min bort adopterade syster;
Ni hittar bloggen hääär
En sak som de amerikanska mammorna inte riktigt har fattat är hur man bloggar smidigt. Ni vet hur fantastiskt fiffigt det är när man får varje inlägg i följd efter varann här i Sverige, i USA måste man klicka på alla rubriker för att få läsa något alls, ungefär som att läsa Aftonbladet på nätet, så hav tålamod för hon är himla kul :) Ni hittar en lista på inlägg till höger, här är ett av dem;

1. So this is what giving up looks like…

2. I never would have guessed that they were hoarders.

3. As soon as we leave here we need to stop at the pharmacy for condoms.

4. Is that grape jelly splatter on the ceiling?

5. I think that kid just ate a corn chip or a Lego that she found in the couch.

6. This place smells like pumpkin spice candles with a hint of sour milk and stale Cheerios.

7. Why is everything so sticky?

8. How many kids do they have??

9. When we get to the pharmacy, I think we should pick up some condoms for them too.

10. I probably wouldn’t have struggled to get that toilet lid safety lock open, if I had known that one of the kids had left a present in the potty. I wonder how old kids are before they learn to flush?

11. Did I just say potty?  I have to get out of here!

12. Everything is so….shabby chic.

13. I thought it was cute that the kids were drawing me a picture, but this one sort of looks like a penis which makes me feel really awkward and I don’t know what to do. 

14. I wish they had something to drink other than apple juice or chocolate milk.

15. Forget the pharmacy, we’re stopping at Costco for condoms.



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